Monday, February 12, 2007

My real estate market

This is my summer house: my tent.

The t.p. is useful at night when it's too dark and cold to walk to the shitters. Sometimes, depending on the camp site, the shitters were really far. Honestly, by the end, no one wipes, I mean for girls.

Here the mattress looks inflated but this is either an optical illusion or the first and only night it had no hole. I suppose next year I should buy a mattress that's worth more than 10 bucks. It was alright without one though, I improvised, slept on all my clothes.

The blue thing in the back serves no real purpose, it only makes my tent a little girlier. Maman nounourse (my teddy bear) was there though, that made my tent real girly.

This was a good tent but the zipper started acting up toward the end. I think it was from camping in a gravel pit for two weeks, all that dust clogged it. Someone gave me another tent but that zipper's fucked too.

Does anyone have a house for sale?

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