Monday, April 9, 2007

Cherry tomato

In honor of only having one class left to go in sociolinguistics I will discuss it my teacher's new record. Oh yes, she said 'ok' 72 times during last class. I'm afraid that I am not doing well in this class and no, there is no correlation between my grade and keeping track of her tag questions.

I did learn something in this class though: cherry tomatoes sink when in coffee. Cool ah? Who knew? You may be asking yourself: why would a sociolinguistics teacher be talking about cherry tomatoes? She wasn't (she's not that cool). My roommate did the experiment when one day I bought myself a sandwich that came with a cherry tomato. Jon asked me if he could have the tomato (being vegan and all) and I agreed. But Jon also had a coffee. Ploup. I laughed really hard when it sank and never came back up. It was the best sociolinguistics class ever...

1 comment:

Jeannetto said...

thats funny. i like your notes. they look like my school notes.