Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Scopions and maize

It's the afternoon in Montreal and the rain seems to be making everyone down. Not me, I just finished my last exam for this year. I am feeling so happy, it just sucks that I have to work.

With the rain, I decide to take the bus home. All of a sudden, about 10 kids walk on to the bus. All you hear is the bus driver telling them: "hold your school bags in your hands". The little boys make their way into the back next to where I am sitting. They are puzzled as to why the bus driver would request such a thing.

The young ones were speaking in French and started to ask each other: "Est-ce-que toi t'a des ami ou des ami (e)"? Of course, none admitted that they had female friends and that was cute. But the cutest was yet to come. One of them stated his outrage with GMOs. "Moi je trouve sa degeulasse les OMG! Tu sait qu'il mettent de l'ADN de scorpion dans le mais?" I actually felt like turning over to him and start discussing the subject. He knew more about it than most adults a have to deal with on a daily basis. His outrage, for whatever the reason, gave me hope that the future generation will react negatively to GMOs. This made my day.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Cherry tomato

In honor of only having one class left to go in sociolinguistics I will discuss it my teacher's new record. Oh yes, she said 'ok' 72 times during last class. I'm afraid that I am not doing well in this class and no, there is no correlation between my grade and keeping track of her tag questions.

I did learn something in this class though: cherry tomatoes sink when in coffee. Cool ah? Who knew? You may be asking yourself: why would a sociolinguistics teacher be talking about cherry tomatoes? She wasn't (she's not that cool). My roommate did the experiment when one day I bought myself a sandwich that came with a cherry tomato. Jon asked me if he could have the tomato (being vegan and all) and I agreed. But Jon also had a coffee. Ploup. I laughed really hard when it sank and never came back up. It was the best sociolinguistics class ever...